Balanced Beer Running

How to Calculate the Perfect Beer Run

I run on beer because both running and beer drinking bring awesome groups of people together. Over the last couple of years though, especially during lulls in my training, I’ve definitely been favoring the beer-drinking aspect of my hobby. Beer tastes good, it’s fun to drink on almost any occasion, but unfortunately, it’s not all that good for you. 

Even though there are studies that suggest beer may be good for you if consumed in moderation, pretty much everyone can agree if you’re drinking more than 6-7 per week, those benefits quickly disappear. That’s not to say that drinking more than that is bad for you (in moderation), it’s just not necessarily good for you either. It’s all about balance! I run because I enjoy it but I also don’t feel as bad having a beer with dinner when I know I’ve “earned” it.

Find out just how much beer you earn during different race distances

The Beer Belly

I was the kid in college and grad school whose metabolism was never slowing down. I could eat whatever I wanted and drink whatever I wanted with no repercussions. Everyone told me that would eventually change, and I knew it would, but that was future Ryan’s problem. Well, now future Ryan is dealing with that problem, and here’s what I’ve learned. 

First, the dreaded beer belly is real. The average beer has about 150 calories so it’s not hard to see how adding 1 or 2 to a meal could easily set you over what you’re “supposed” to be consuming every day. Extra calories aside, when you’re drinking beer, your liver is being forced to focus on burning alcohol instead of burning fat so it’s even easier to pack on those extra few pounds. 

Even if you don’t consider the snacking that often accompanies a night out, I think the point is clear that beer adds calories to your diet that your body likes to hold onto.

Balanced Running

So with beer adding weight to the equation, you have to find something to balance out the other side. For me, that’s running. This post is supposed to be simple so I don’t want to get into all the data, but the beer adds calories and running burns them. Sure, it may not be the best exercise for weight loss, but this isn’t necessarily about weight loss, it’s about balance.

According to a Runner’s World article, running burns 2.3 times more calories than walking the same amount of time so it’s easier to balance out those liquid calories a bit faster than normal daily activity. As a general rule of thumb, people say running burns an average of 100 calories mile but that same Runner’s World article gives a handy equation that should give you a more accurate idea of your potential.

Calories/Mile = .72 x wt in lbs

So for me, that means I’m burning an average of 115 calories per mile. There are a lot of different variables but this isn’t supposed to be an exact science, just a helpful guide.

So What?

Alright so now you can figure out how many calories you burn but what’s that good for? How about we look at how much you need to run to earn some of my favorite beers?

What's your favorite post-run brew? What mileage do you have to put in to earn it?

Beer, Beer Runners, Running