CBD Oil for Runners

CBD Oil for Runners

Testing iKOR Labs Performance CBD

Disclaimer: I received a sample of iKOR Labs Performance CBD Oil to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!

I love recovering from running almost as much as I love running. Whether it's over a cold beer, a giant feast, or an ice bath, the relaxation that accompanies the post-run recovery is close to euphoric. Recently, I had the chance to test out a new Performance CBD Oil for runners from iKOR Labs which has even further enhanced my recovery strategies.

What is Performance CBD?

iKOR Labs product is a "Recovery Enhancing CBD" which works to help aid an athletes recovery by mitigating things like inflammation as well as helping to regulate stress and improve sleep. It's also important to clarify that their product is derived from hemp, not marijuana, so it is non-psychoactive (it doesn't contain THC).

What Does CBD Do for Runners

As I mentioned, CBD oil has been touted as offering a lot of benefits for athlete recovery. However, since CBD oil for runners and other athletes has really taken off in popularity, the science is still playing catch up with the sales. The main idea behind the products is that CBD is able to work with the body's endocannabinoid system to enhance a person's natural recovery mechanisms.

The endocannabinoid system is located throughout our central and peripheral nervous system and thus plays a role in many of our body's daily functions. Many have suggested that one of the primary benefits of CBD is its ability to prevent or lessen inflammation following a tough workout. Many have also credited CBD with helping with mood regulation to lessen the impacts of stress.

Our bodies have many standard functions to help with recovery and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to suggest that CBD may help enhance those recovery functions. Sleep, for instance, is probably the most essential recovery strategy that our bodies utilize. CBD has been suggested to not only help individuals relax and get to sleep faster, but also sleep more soundly through the night. There are plenty of articles online detailing the effects of CBD but I found this article from GQ to be particularly useful.

My Experience With CBD Oil

When testing the iKOR Labs Performance CBD Oil, I went with the recommended dosage which is 5 pumps of the oil under the tongue twice daily (once in the morning, once at night). This could not have been a better time for me to test the product either since I'm beginning to transition into marathon training and also balancing the busy/stressful season at work.

I was immediately excited to see how it would help with inflammation but quickly realized that it's pretty difficult to notice how well something is working to eliminate inflammation since there wouldn't be any inflammation to notice. What I can say is that while using iKOR, I've upped my mileage and intensity considerably without having any sort of issues with overstressing or soreness. Sure I've had the occasional muscle soreness but nothing worrisome.

What I did notice throughout my use of the CBD oil was how well I was able to sleep! Improved sleep was almost immediately noticeable and within a few days, I also noticed that my dreams were becoming significantly more vivid which I took as evidence of a better night's sleep. iKOR also recommends that to notice the effects, you should take a 3-day hiatus after using the product for at least a week and although my sleep was still pretty solid, the vivid dreams disappeared.

Although there's certainly still plenty of research to be done on the positive benefits of CBD oil for runners, the added sleep alone may be enough to sell me on the product. Considering how rough my legs typically feel after intense speed-work, I also think that iKOR Labs CBD Oil helped soothe some of that inflammation making it possible for me to train harder for longer. Can't wait to see how it pays off at my next race!

Product Reviews, Running